Saturday, 13 February 2016

A Touch of Fashion Art

Hi Nerdlings, 

Hope you guys are good.
So just as we were looking for a venue for our shoot; our photographer Wendy came up with the most clever idea; to shoot at the fashion-art installation presented by Ichyulu at the Circle Art Gallery.  

Enjoy!! :) :) 

 The interface between fashion and art was truly amazing.


Bees Look 
Sleeveless Coat - Gift
White T-shirt Top - Ksh 50 at Gikomba
Pants - Levis 
Shoes - Gift 
Stunnas - Ksh 200 at Adams Arcade

Dee Look
Sleeveless Kimono Coat - Gift
Sheer Top - Ksh 200 at Adams Arcade
Kikoy shorts - Ksh 300 at Adams Arcade
Shoes - 3000 from the States 
Stunnas - Ksh 200 at Adams Arcade 


  1. Bee's look looks amazing. In love with how the pants fit great . let's just say I am a huge fan of hats and the fact that you have kept the colours subtle. Lol. Dee in love with how bold and sexy you wear those shorts. The color is amazing too. The kimonos on both of you has me gawking.

    Looking good both of you.

    1. Thank you Almasi. :) We appreciate it.
