Monday, 11 May 2015

Green Day!

Hello Nerdlings!!!

This time we used the color green as our inspiration for the outfits. With Dees top and my sweater being green in color. You can pair a chunky loose sweater with pants and a long skirt as well, to go with the cold Nairobi weather.
As for the green hooded top you can pair it with a leather or cotton jacket or a simple coat. You can find ways to look warm in this weather and fashionable at the same time.

Bees Look
Stunners -  200 Toi Market
Chain - DIY
Chunky Loose Sweater -  50 bob Gikomba
Shorts - Gift
Shoes- Gift

Dees Look
Dress Top - 400 Parklands
Skinnies -  600 Parklands 
Shoes - 2000 Westlands

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